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Microsuction is a safe and comfortable way to remove excess ear wax, and our friendly ear care specialists are here to explain every step of this simple procedure to you.
Find out more about a few of our services below.
We’ll conduct an initial ear examination including diagnostic tests, where we will talk you through the procedure and use video otoscopy to access your ear.
You can ask us any questions you like!
We remove ear wax from the ear using a procedure called microsuction, which uses a low power suction device.
Our staff are fully trained and qualified in this procedure, ensuring you are comfortable and relaxed throughout your appointment.
We also offer fibreoptic naso-laryngoscopy to visualise your nasal cavity, Eustachian Tube / sinus openings and Larynx
This procedure is available for both Adults and children.
Our staff are fully trained and qualified in this procedure, ensuring you are comfortable and relaxed throughout your appointment.-
1. Wax removal and microsuctioning under microscope guidance
2. Removal of foreign materials from the external auditory canal
3. Removal of Keratosis obturans under local anaesthetics.
4. Microsuctioning of chronically discharging ears and diagnosis of chronic middle ear diseases requiring referral for surgery.
5. Removal of embedded foreign bodies from external ear/ pinna under local anaesthetics
6. Removal of keloids and hypertrophic scars under local anaesthetics (Aesthetics and facial reconstruction)
7. Treatment of otitis external and otomycosis.
8.Standard ear piercings of children and adults
9. We have now added Fibreoptic Nasoendoscopy to visualise your nasal cavity, Sinus/eustachian tube opening and Larynx.
When you arrive, you will be welcomed in by our friendly receptionist who (while fully protected) will immediately hand you a PPE
We will take your details and ask you to wait to see the doctor.
We will offer you refreshments and drinks while you wait to see the doctor
(Please let us know if you have any allergies upon arrival)
The doctor will then call you into a private clinic room
We will ask you questions related to your symptoms and the reasons for your visit.
We will look into your ears with a scanner that allows you to see what your ear looks like.
We will explain the findings to you.
We will clean both ears of wax and any foreign material, debris or infections under sophisticated microscope guidance and using a special micro-suction machine.
We will make a diagnosis and treat any potential infection
If you will require an operation, with your permission, we will write a letter to your gp explaining our findings.
We will follow you up if required to ensure your symptoms are completely resolved without any extra charges..
We will take care of you!
Ear Doctors Micro-Suction Clinic
29, Market street Hyde, Cheshire SK14 2AD, United Kingdom
07949 241557/0161 698 1680(including out of hours)
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